Please bring one of the following:

    • Government-issued photo ID

    • Government-issued Driver's License

    • Passport

    **We cannot accept an expired ID, Passport or Driver’s License. We also cannot accept any IDs without photos, Military ID's, or Foreign ID's (bring your passport). We also cannot accept any photos or photocopies of these documents (you must bring the original, physical item).


    Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. We also require the minor's original birth certificate. This is required by state law and there are no exceptions. Must be the original birth certificate, as we will not accept photos, photocopies, or hospital copies. A birth certificate must have a registered seal.

    The parent/guardian must also bring one of the following:

    • Government-issued photo ID

    • Government-issued Driver’s License

    • Passport

    Note to guardians:

    • If you have been assigned legal custody of the minor you must also provide the original court paperwork assigning custody. 

    **We cannot perform any piercing on a minor without the above documentation. Please contact the studio for more information regarding piercing minors if you have further questions.